A prophetic wish

Have you ever wished for something you haven't seen come true (yet)? Waiting, wishing, hoping, and praying for something to happen that would change circumstances can be a difficult exercise in patience and faith.

Life is full of wishes and wants, which is nothing new in itself, and I think life would be empty without it. That is probably why we have invented special moments to make a wish, like when we see a shooting star or blow out birthday candles on a cake.

Prophetic wish

I discovered that sometimes a wish can have a prophetic ring to it. Such was the case with Moses when he responded to Joshua concerning his protest about two men who were prophesying in their camp. You can read that story in Numbers 11. Verse 29 discloses Moses' reaction: Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them all!

Divine inspiration

Did Moses realize that the words he uttered were truly prophetic? Did he realize that what he just said would come true? I don't know whether his wish was divinely inspired or whether the Lord heard his wish and decided to act upon it, although many, many years later.

What I do know, is that Moses' wish was also the Father's wish. And when that is the case... wishes proclaimed out loud may come true. Have you shared a wish with the Lord, recently?

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I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.

[Joël 2:28]

➤For more on this topic, read my post about prophecy.


  1. When our wishes are aligned with God's will, wonderful things can happen, that's for sure. Blessings, Marja!

    1. Wonderful things can happen indeed. My wish and prayer for you and your husband are good health and restoration!

  2. It's not a word we get often in the Scriptures; probably used most by the apostle Paul, expressing desires for God's people. Perhaps we're best to wish things for others.

    1. Wishing things for others, that's what Moses basically did. I am amazed though that Jesus used the word, as in In john 15:7, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."


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